The same number of divisors
During his math lesson, Kostya fell in love with looking for divisors in numbers. And the more numbers with the same number of divisors, the better Kostya's mood was.
Help Kostya have a good mood.
In the range from a to b, find the largest amount of numbers with the same number of divisors. Print the number of divisors and the amount of such numbers. If there are several answers, then output the one with more divisors.
Two numbers a and b (1 ≤ a ≤ b ≤ 10^5
Print two numbers: the number of divisors and amount of such numbers.
On a segment from 1 to 10:
number 1 has 1 divisor;
number 2 has 2 divisors;
number 3 has 2 divisors;
number 4 has 3 divisors;
number 5 has 2 divisors;
number 6 has 4 divisors;
number 7 has 2 divisors;
number 8 has 4 divisors;
number 9 has 3 divisors;
number 10 has 4 divisors.
The largest amount of numbers have 2 divisors, and their amount is 4.