Exact Symmetry
CYJJ was window-shopping at a jewelry store and was attracted by a show window full of colorful necklaces. Obsessed with symmetry, she instantly tried to find if a necklace is symmetric.
A necklace consists of colorful beads, and is called symmetric if the color of beads are symmetric with respect to some central beads. For example, the necklace in Figure 1 are symmetric with respect to the red beads, and the one in Figure 2 is not. How about Figure 3? When a necklace is too long with too many colors, CYJJ would need your help to tell her if it is symmetric or not.
The input consists of multiple test cases. Each test case consists of a line of no more than 1000 lower case English letters of which each represents the color of a bead.
For each test case, first output "Symmetric" or "Not symmetric" in a line. If the necklace is symmetric, then output the smallest index (or pair of indices) of its symmetric center in the next line. The index starts from 1 and the output format is shown in the samples.