Once upon a time, the inhabitants of Earth discovered a new inhabited planet, which they named TTV. They sent a rabbit to this planet along with a spaceship. The rabbit found the climate of TTV to its liking and, after a month, gave birth to another rabbit. It is known that every rabbit on the planet gives birth to one more rabbit each month. However, a monster appeared on the planet, and at the start of each month, it would eat k rabbits, provided there were more than k rabbits present. Your task is to calculate the number of rabbits on the planet n months after the spaceship with the first rabbit arrived.
The first line contains the number of months n (0 ≤ n ≤ 100), and the second line contains the number of rabbits k (0 ≤ k ≤ 10000) that the monster will eat.
Calculate the number of rabbits that will be on planet TTV n months after the first rabbit arrived. It is guaranteed that the result for any test case will not exceed 2*10^9.