The Next Permutation
Execution time limit is 1 second
Runtime memory usage limit is 32 megabytes
A string of decimal digits is given. Print the permutation of these decimal digits so that its value is the next to the input number. For example:
123 → 132
279134399742 → 279134423799
It is possible that some permutation has no larger value. For example 987.
The first line contains the number of input test cases p (1 ≤ p ≤ 1000). Each next line represents a separate test and contains its number and a corresponding set of no more than 80 decimal digits.
For each test case print one line. If there is no larger permutation for the input digits, print the data set number followed by a single space and the string BIGGEST. If the solution exists, print the test case number, a single space, and the next permutation of input digits.
Input #1
Answer #1
Submissions 742
Acceptance rate 49%