Palindrome Number
A palindrome is a string that reads the same forwards and backwards. For instance, the string abba is a palindrome, whereas the string abc is not.
Your task is to identify in which numeral systems, with bases ranging from 2 to 36, the representation of a given number is a palindrome.
In numeral systems with bases greater than 10, the Latin alphabet letters are used as digits: a, b, ..., z. For example, a_11 corresponds to 10_10, and z_36 corresponds to 35_10.
The input consists of a single integer n, provided in the decimal numeral system (1 ≤ n ≤ 10^9).
If there is exactly one base where the numeral system representation is a palindrome, print unique on the first line. If there are multiple bases, print multiple. If no such base exists, print none on the first line.
If there is at least one base where the numeral system representation is a palindrome, list all such bases in ascending order on the second line, separated by spaces.