To encrypt words, various operations can be performed on them. One intriguing operation involves taking the first few letters of a word, appending them in reverse order to the end of the word, and then removing them from the beginning. Specifically, the word a_1a_2…a_ka_{k+1}…a_n is transformed into a_{k+1}…a_na_ka_{k-1}…a_1, where k is a number chosen from the range 0 to n.
Given two words, your task is to determine whether the first word can be transformed into the second using the described operation.
The input consists of two lines: the first line contains the initial word, and the second line contains the target word. Each line has a maximum length of 50000 characters.
In the first line of the output, print "Yes" if the transformation is possible, otherwise print "No". If the answer is "Yes", also print k on the second line, representing the length of the segment of the initial word that is moved (choose the smallest possible k).