Automated Telephone Exchange
In St Petersburg phone numbers are formatted as "XXX-XX-XX", where the first three digits represent index of the Automated Telephone Exchange (ATE). Each ATE has exactly 10000 unique phone numbers.
Peter has just bought a new flat and now he wants to install a telephone line. He thinks that a phone number is lucky if the arithmetic expression represented by that phone number is equal to zero. For example, the phone number 102-40-62 is lucky (102 - 40 - 62 = 0), and the number 157-10-47 is not lucky (157 - 10 - 47 = 100 ≠ 0).
Peter knows the index of the ATE that serves his house. To get an idea of his chances to get a lucky number he wants to know how many lucky numbers his ATE has.
Contains a single integer number n - the index of Peter's ATE (100 ≤ n ≤ 999).
Output a single integer number - the number of lucky phone numbers Peter's ATE has.