Hidden triangles
N triangles are put on the plane in order from 1 to N. Whole inside region of each triangle is opaque and closes everything behind it.
Determine, which of the triangles are visible on the plane. I.e. have positive area, not covered above with any other triangle.
In the rst line number N is amount of triangles. Then in N lines triangles are listed in the order they were put to the plane. Each triangle is de ned with 6 integers x_i1,y_i1, x_i2, y_i2, x_i3, y_i3, which are coordinates of each verticle. All the triangles are not degenerated. Any edge of a triangle has no more than one common point with any edge of anoter triangle.
Output amount of visilbe triangles in the rst line. List their numbers in any order in the second line.
1 ≤ N ≤ 500
-1000 ≤ x_ij, y_ij ≤ 1000, for 1 ≤ i ≤ N, 1 ≤ j ≤ 3.