On a plane, you are given N points, each defined by its coordinates. From these points, consider all possible lines that can be formed by connecting different pairs of points. Your task is to find the maximum possible distance from any given point to any line formed by two other points.
Write a program named DIST that computes this maximum distance for a set of points on the plane.
The input begins with a single integer, N (3 ≤ N ≤ 700), representing the number of points on the plane. The next N lines each contain two integers "x y" (-5000 ≤ x, y ≤ 5000), which are the coordinates of a point. All points have unique coordinates.
The output should be a single line containing the maximum distance from any of the given points to a line formed by any two other points. The result must be accurate to within 10^{-6} and formatted as a decimal number (<integer part>.<fractional part>).