On her first birthday, Maggie Simpson, a character from the animated series "The Simpsons," received a construction set as a gift. This playset consists of sticks of various lengths. The ends of these sticks can be joined, and the sticks connected in this way can form any non-zero angle except a straight angle (180°).
Maggie wants to assemble a convex polygon using the maximum number of sticks from the construction set as the sides of this polygon.
Write a program that, given the lengths of the sticks in the construction set, determines whether Maggie can form a convex polygon with the sticks, and if possible, finds the maximum number of sticks she can use for this purpose.
The first line specifies the number () of sticks in the set. The second line contains natural numbers, each less than (not necessarily distinct) - the lengths of the sticks.
Output a single number - the maximum number of sticks from the set that can be used to form a convex polygon, or the number if forming a convex polygon is not possible.