Sereja and Array
Sereja has got an array, consisting of integers . Sereja is an active boy, so he is now going to complete operations. Each operation will have one of the three forms:
Make -th array element equal to . In other words, perform the assignment .
Increase each array element by . In other words, perform assignments .
Take a piece of paper and write out the -th array element. That is, the element .
Help Sereja, complete all his operations.
The first line contains integers . The second line contains integers — the original array.
Next lines describe operations, the -th line describes the -th operation. The first number in the -th line is integer , that represents the operation type.
If , then it is followed by two integers and .
If , then it is followed by integer .
If , then it is followed by integer .
For each third type operation print value . Print the values in the order, in which the corresponding queries follow in the input.