Class data
Create a class named Data that includes the fields day, month, and year.
Implement the following constructors:
A default constructor that sets the date to 01.01.1900.
A constructor that takes a string parameter of type char in the format to initialize the respective fields.
A constructor that takes three integer parameters (day, month, year) to initialize the respective fields.
If the date is invalid during initialization, output "Error data..." followed by a new line. In such cases, set the date to 01.01.1900. The year should be within the range 0 to 2050.
Implement the following methods:
void setDay(int) - updates the day value of the class.
void setMonth(int) - updates the month value.
void setYear(int) - updates the year value of the class.
bool verification() - checks if the date is valid and returns true if correct, false otherwise. If the date is incorrect, set it to 01.01.1900.
void OutDataddmmyy() - outputs the date in the format, e.g., 02.03.19.
void OutDataddmmyyyy() - outputs the date in the format, e.g., 02.03.2019.
void OutDataddMonthyyyy() - outputs the date in the format dd month yyyy, e.g., 02 March 2019.
The months should be displayed in English as follows:
January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.
Test 1: Verify the default constructor and the method OutDataddmmyy().
Tests 2-5: Verify the constructor that accepts a char type string in the format and the methods verification(), OutDataddmmyy(), OutDataddmmyyyy(), OutDataddMonthyyyy().
Test 6: Verify the constructor that accepts three integer parameters (day, month, year) and the methods verification(), OutDataddmmyy(), OutDataddmmyyyy(), OutDataddMonthyyyy().
Test 7: Verify the default constructor and the methods setDay(..), setMonth(..), setYear(..), verification(), OutDataddmmyy(), OutDataddmmyyyy(), OutDataddMonthyyyy().