Class Data - operations on dates.
Create a class named Data that includes the fields day, month, year.
Implement the following constructors:
A default constructor that sets the date to 01.01.1900.
A parameterized constructor that accepts three integers (day, month, year) and initializes the respective fields.
You do not need to validate the date; it is guaranteed that the input date will be correct. (The year will be between 0 and 2050).
Implement the method:
void OutDataddmmyyyy() - which prints the date in the format, such as 02.03.2019.
Overload the following operations:
++ to increment the date by 1 day (overload for both post-increment and pre-increment).
-- to decrement the date by 1 day (overload for both post-decrement and pre-decrement).
Comparison operations:
== to check if two dates are equal (returns true/false).
!= to check if two dates are not equal (returns true/false).
Implement greater than, less than, greater than or equal to, and less than or equal to operations (returns true/false).
For verification, only the class should be submitted.
Verification is implemented in C++.
Test 1,5,6. Verify the default constructor, the parameterized constructor Data(int, int, int), the method OutDataddmmyyyy(), and the method a++.
Test 2. Verify the default constructor, the parameterized constructor Data(int, int, int), the method OutDataddmmyyyy(), and the method ++a.
Test 3,7. Verify the default constructor, the parameterized constructor Data(int, int, int), the method OutDataddmmyyyy(), and the method a--.
Test 4,8. Verify the default constructor, the parameterized constructor Data(int, int, int), the method OutDataddmmyyyy(), and the method --a.
Test 9,10,11. Verify the default constructor, the parameterized constructor Data(int, int, int), the method OutDataddmmyyyy(), and the method a++ for an entire calendar year.
Test 13,14. Verify the default constructor, the parameterized constructor Data(int, int, int), the method OutDataddmmyyyy(), and the method a-- for an entire calendar year.
Test 14-16. Verify the default constructor, the parameterized constructor Data(int, int, int), the method OutDataddmmyyyy(), and all comparison operations.