Who has the highest score?
Çox asan
Zaman limiti 1 saniyə-dir
Yaddaş məhdudiyyəti 256 meqabayt
Petryk, Marichka, and Olenka have received their first grades in computer science. They decided that the one with the highest grade will be the winner.
They have asked Serhiy to determine the winner, but since he is busy, they need your help to solve this task.
Giriş verilənləri
The first line contains three integers , , () — representing the grades of Petryk, Marichka, and Olenka, respectively.
It is guaranteed that all grades are distinct.
Çıxış verilənləri
Print «Petryk
» if Petryk has the highest grade, «Marichka
» if Marichka has the highest grade, or «Olenka
» if Olenka has the highest grade.
Giriş #1
Çıxış #1
Giriş #2
Çıxış #2
Təqdimatlar 539
Qəbul dərəcəsi 45%