Testing Your Geometry Template
You are given distinct points on the coordinate plane, none of which lie on the -axis (-axis is the set of points whose coordinate is ).
Let be the set of all points on the -axis such that there exist two integers with such that . In other words, is the set of all points on the -axis which are equidistant from some two distinct points from .
Find the largest distance between any two points in (not necessarily distinct).
It's guaranteed that in all test cases, is nonempty and finite.
Giriş verilənləri
The first line contains a single integer () — the number of points.
The -th of the next lines contains two integers (, ) — and coordinates of point .
It's guaranteed that is nonempty and finite in all testcases.
Çıxış verilənləri
Output a single number — the largest distance between any two points in (not necessarily distinct).
Your answer is considered correct if its absolute or relative error does not exceed .
Formally, let your answer be , and the jury's answer be . Your answer is accepted if and only if .
In the sample, .
Note that if contains a single point, the answer will be .