Area Ratio
Execution time limit is 1 second
Runtime memory usage limit is 122.174 megabytes
To make things easier, WishingBone decides to put this simple geometry problem at the beginning. Given a triangle, what is the ratio of the area of its inscribed circle to that of its circum circle?
9 integers x[1]
, y[1]
, z[1]
, x[2]
, y[2]
, z[2]
, x[3]
, y[3]
, z[3]
(-1000 ≤ x[i]
, y[i]
, z[i]
≤ 1000) are given on each line, the coordinates of triangle vertices. No three points are collinear.
For each test case print the ratio on a separate line with three decimal digits. If rounding to a given accuracy you get zero, print the message "Zero!" (without the quotes).
Input #1
Answer #1
Submissions 2K
Acceptance rate 24%