Once upon a time there was a boy whose name was Artem. One day Artem set out to seek his fortune. So, he went on.
Artem walked and walked until it got dark. In this darkness there was a sleeping Dragon. Dragon was surrounded by white stones. From the book "How to catch the dragon" Artem knows that he should paint some of those stones in such a way that dragon should lie inside the painted stones. After this the dragon will be caught. Each stone can be in two states: painted / not painted.
Stones can be represented as a convex polygon and dragon as a set of points. Your task is to calculate how many ways there are to paint stones for catching the dragon.
The first line contains two integers and .
Each of the next lines contains two integers — the coordinates of the convex polygon. It is guaranteed they are given in either clockwise or counterclockwise order and no three points lie on the same line.
Each of the next lines contain two integers — the coordinates of the dragon. Coordinates do not exceed by absolute value.
Output the answer modulo .
For you can color any subset of stones that contains a non-empty area inside.
Any subset of stones should be colored so that their convex hull covers all points of the dragon and contains a non-empty area inside (there must be at least 3 stones). If the dragon point lies on the boundary of the convex hull, then we consider it to be covered.