Very easy
Execution time limit is 1 second
Runtime memory usage limit is 128 megabytes
Vasya saw David Copperfield's performance and decided to impress his classmates with his own tricks. Here's one: Vasya offers to his classmate to multiply the number of date of his birth by 12, and the number of the month of his birth by 31 and tell him the sum of both results. Then Vasya quickly tells the classmate's date of birth.
Since Vasya becomes tired because a lot of people queued near him, he asks you to write a program that will show this focus instead of him.
One number - the result received by Vasya's classmate.
Print in one line the date and month of classmate's birth in format "DD / MM".
Input #1
Answer #1
Input #17
Answer #17
Submissions 3K
Acceptance rate 45%