In a beautiful glass flask, young biologist Anton has n bacteria.
By adding various reagents to the flask, Anton can control the number of bacteria. If p is a prime number, Anton can produce the substance C_pH_{2p+1}OH at home. When added to the flask, this substance reduces the number of bacteria by exactly p times. If the number of bacteria is not divisible by p, the effect of the substance is undefined, and the experiment loses scientific accuracy. Anton wants to avoid this, so he only applies the substance C_pH_{2p+1}OH when the number of bacteria is divisible by p.
Additionally, Anton has an unlimited supply of lysergic acid diethylamide (C_20H_25N_3O) in his kitchen. When added to the flask, this substance squares the number of bacteria.
Anton aims to have m bacteria in the flask. He wants to achieve this by adding substances to the flask the fewest number of times possible. Help him reach his goal.
The input file contains two natural numbers n and m (1 ≤ n, m ≤ 10^9) — the initial and desired number of bacteria in Anton's flask.
If it is impossible to obtain exactly m bacteria, output the word "Impossible".
If the desired result is achievable, output the shortest sequence of substance additions that allows it to be reached, in the following format: the addition of the substance C_pH_{2p+1}OH is encoded by the number p, and the addition of the substance C_20H_25N_3O by the number 0. The numbers should be separated by spaces and/or newlines.
If there are multiple shortest sequences of substance additions that result in m bacteria, output any one of them.