Unlucky Numbers
A bus ticket with a 6-digit number is traditionally considered lucky if the sum of its first three digits equals the sum of its last three digits. Schoolboy Vasya loved finding lucky tickets, but they were rare. So, he created his own definition of a lucky ticket: a ticket is lucky if the sum of some of its digits equals the sum of the remaining digits. For example, Vasya considers the ticket number 561743 lucky because 5+1+4+3 equals 6+7. As Vasya grew up, he continued to look for lucky numbers in various document numbers. He expanded his definition to include n-digit numbers from personal accounts and other documents, using digits from 0 to k (1 ≤ k ≤ 9). A document number is lucky if the sum of some of its digits equals the sum of the remaining digits. All other numbers are unlucky to him. Despite this broader definition, many numbers remain unlucky. Your task is to determine the number of unlucky n-digit numbers that can be formed using digits from 0 to k. Numbers may include any number of leading zeros.
**Input Format** The input consists of several pairs of values n and k, each pair on a separate line, where 0 < n < 101.
**Output Format** For each pair of values n and k provided in the input, output the number of unlucky tickets, or 0 if such a number cannot be obtained. The number of lines in the input and output files must be the same.