Let us for simplicity assume that the person zalezshy in a sleeping bag and sleeping in a tent, took the floor rectangle 1×m. Accordingly, the floor of the classical n-person tents has a rectangular n×m, and have in mind that people lie parallel to the side whose length equals the height of the individual.
However, in practice it is known that there are other, more subtle, way to place n people in n-person tents. Your task - to count their number. Ways that differ from each other by the symmetry and rotation, are considered different, for example, when m=2 there are 3 ways to accommodate three people in a three-tent:
In the input file contains the numbers m and n (2 ≤ m ≤ 10; 1 ≤ n ≤ 40).
The output file output of ways to place n people in n-person tents.