Визначте, чи належить точка A, що задана координатами (x; y), частині площини, виокремленій кільцем з радіусами R_1 і R_2 та центром у точці O (x_0; y_0).
The first line sets the coordinates of a given point (x; y). In the second row, first coordinates of the center of the ring (x_0; y_0), and then the radii R_1 and R_2. All input data are integers, and do not exceed the modulo 100.
In a single line display a message YES - if the point belongs to this part of the plane, NO - if not own, and ON BORDER - if we "lucky" and a point belongs to the line, which restricts the specified portion of the plane. In this problem, assume that the point belongs to any of the boundary lines of the specified portion of the plane, if at the same abscissas distance from it to some of the limiting lines ofplane of the along the vertical axis is less than 0.01, orat the same coordinates, the distance from point to some of the constraints of the plane line on the horizontal axis and less than 0.01.