Ritual Wall
Shaman Niyatsnigmatl knows n rituals to boost the morale of the warrior-conteztls.
He plans to decorate the wall of the Main Wigwam by arranging white, gray, and black feathers in a row. The goal is to arrange them such that there are exactly n ways to walk with a drum along a specific section of the wall from left to right, and then back from right to left, with the sequence of feather colors being identical both times.
The wall of the Main Wigwam can accommodate up to one million feathers. Provide any decoration pattern for the Main Wigwam that fulfills Niyatsnigmatl's requirements.
The input file contains a natural number n (1 ≤ n ≤ 10^9) representing the number of rituals available to Niyatsnigmatl.
Output any decoration pattern for the Main Wigwam that meets Niyatsnigmatl's criteria. Use the letters "w", "g", and "b" from the Yankee alphabet to represent white, gray, and black feathers, respectively.