The Riemann Hypothesis
The Riemann Hypothesis, concerning the distribution of zeros of the Riemann zeta function, was proposed by Bernhard Riemann in **1859**. Although no definitive pattern has been identified for the distribution of prime numbers among natural numbers, Riemann discovered that the number of prime numbers not exceeding **x**, represented by the prime number distribution function **π(x)**, can be expressed through the distribution of the "non-trivial zeros" of the zeta function. The Riemann zeta function **ζ(s)** is defined for all complex numbers **s ≠ 1** and has zeros at negative even integers **s = -2, -4, -6, ...**.
From the functional equation and explicit expression for **Re s > 1**, where **μ(n)** is the Möbius function, it follows that all other zeros, termed "non-trivial", are located within the strip **0 ≤ Re s ≤ 1**, symmetrically about the "critical line" **½ + it**, where **t** is a real number. The Möbius function is closely linked to Euler's totient function **φ(n)**, which counts the natural numbers up to **n** that are coprime with **n**. Therefore, to effectively search for "non-trivial" zeros over large intervals, it is necessary to quickly identify local extrema of the following sum.
You are provided with an interval of natural numbers **[L, R]**. Your task is to find a natural number **x** such that **x = arg max_k=L..R S(k)**. If there are multiple such numbers, output the smallest one.
The input consists of a single line containing two numbers **L** and **R** (**1 ≤ L ≤ R ≤ 2^31**), separated by a space.
Output a single natural number **x** within the interval **[L, R]**, where the function **S** reaches its maximum.