How many prefix ones?
In the 1920s, the Polish mathematician Jan Lukasiewicz introduced a bracket-free way of writing algebraic expressions, which became known as Polish notation. In prefix Polish notation, the operator is placed before its operands. For instance, given the infix expression ((b-c/d)/(e*f-(g+h*k))), the prefix form of the segment (c/d) is (/cd), and for (b-c/d), it is (-b/cd). Similarly, (e*f) becomes (*ef), (h*k) becomes (*hk), and (g+h*k) becomes (+g*hk). Thus, the expression (e*f-(g+h*k)) translates to (-*ef+g*hk) in prefix notation. Finally, combining these, the entire expression becomes (/-b/cd-*ef+g*hk).
Your task is to determine the number of all possible prefix expressions of length (N) that use only the binary operations '+', '-', '*', and '/', along with a specified number of unique letters. These letters are either the first letters of the Old Georgian alphabet or the last letters of the modern Ukrainian alphabet, or a combination of both. The result should be taken modulo 1,000,009. The expressions should be ordered in descending order based on the values obtained when using consecutive digits of the ninth decimal representation of the number (e) as operands, starting from the 753rd digit of the fractional part. Note that the number is calculated for a fixed set of unique letters.
**Note:** It is assumed that there are no common letters between the modern Ukrainian and Old Georgian alphabets.
The input consists of a single line containing the number (N).
The output should be a single integer, representing the result.