Huseyn012 I see you were able to get 100%, do you still need any help?
Huseyn012 I see you were able to fix the problem and get 100% 🔥
Huseyn012 hi, I can't see any of your submissions scoring 90% points in the system, only 0% and 10%. Could you please share the id of the submission you are talking about?
user893965 hi! You have quite a small bug in your solution (likely due to copy-paste), I would recommend reviewing the for loop
papaz239 hi, apologies for a delay in reply. The checker for this problem was missing, hence the WA. The checker is now fixed and some of your submissions were rejudged, so now you have an AC submission :)
user992277 дякую за пильність! Дійсно, задача "Паркет з трикутників" має схожу умову, однак дещо інші обмеження. Задача була додана досить давно (однією з перших), тож цілком імовірно, що тоді ця відмінність була суттєвою з точки зору швидкодії.
Ми змінили складність обох задач на "проста" і обʼєднали теги, щоб не заплутувати. Ще раз дякую!
CosRox Fixed
arseniy2412koN доброго дня! Ваш приклад було додано в набір тестування (тестів тепер 45, а не 44), однак зверніть увагу: той текст, який ви надіслали, містить "пробіл нульової довжини" у декількох місцях (U+200B). Через це деякі розвʼязки можуть працювати некоректно (Python викидає помилку ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '\u200b1'
, у той час як умовний C++ може "тихо" зчитувати некоректне значення).
qwertysun Hi, the time limit seems to be correct. We have a solution with 381 ms of execution time, so it's quite solvable.
Time complexity of the mentioned solution is O(S•(N+M)•log(N+M)). While I could send you a link, I think you could solve it by your own :)
user432081 thanks a lot for your comment, the checker indeed was incorrect. We've now fixed the issue and retested all the submissions :)
papaz239 Hi, thanks for flagging this issue! You are right, the test #14 was indeed broken. We've updated the test and rejudged your submissions, now they are all accepted :)
Aplogies for inconvenience
elliotalders0n I think on the step two it should be 1433 + 3341 and not 3314. And 1433 + 3341 would give you 4774, which is a palindrome :)
The algorithm for computing the greatest common divisor (GCD) was discovered by ancient Greek mathematicians and is known as the "algorithm of mutual subtraction". Although references to this algorithm can be found in Aristotle's works, it was later named after Euclid. What the greatest common divisor is, its properties, and methods of calculation are discussed in [1].