Sultanli_Ismayil denisovkostya was busy with some other stuff but he is going to publish editorials today. The editorials will be available in the problem archive.
objective_tesla_956 sorry for the delay, the editorials are coming tomorrow or the day after. The winners have already been notified, but we were waiting to update the post once we have everything (ie. editorials).
For the next contest, we will have editorials published right after the contest.
Mrs.Sergey we are very eager to organize competitions more often, but to do so we need more quality problems. Right now our team works with a few authors to prepare next Weekend Practise and final round of Eolymp Cup.
If you, or someone you know is interested in preparing a problem set or holding a competition at Eolymp you can reach out to
meryem1289 we are almost ready with the problems for the next Weekend Practice round, hopefully we will be ready to announce it this weekend. WP rounds offer simpler problems, so hopefully everyone with lower rating will have an opportunity to improve it.
objective_tesla_956 editorials are published in the problem archive
Tkm.algo all deliveries are free of charge, but in some countries (including Turkey) you would need to pay customs fees.
Malik_asgarov Yes
SergeyIvanov more or less same as other rounds.
user730317 the test case is correct, but the English translation should be "three non-negative integers".
objective_tesla_956 we probably will push the date to January given the holiday season. Good news we already have authors finalising problems for WP 4 🎉
user683371 Experiment with arranging 4, 6, and 8 cubes in different configurations to determine which works best. Try aligning them in a straight line (1x1x4), forming a rectangular cuboid (1x2x2), or creating a cube (2x2x2). Focus on finding the arrangement that uses the fewest matches, then try to implement it.
y___ there is a solution in the error message: use sys.set_int_max_str_digits() to increase the limit
y___ Your solution is not correct.
user576801 не так, перегляньте інші коментарі, модель можна збирати у тривимірному просторі.
bsm ви праві, в умові не повинно бути вимоги до мінімальної суми переказу. Ви можете переказувати будь-яку суму, якщо залишок на рахунку не падає нижче 5 тугриків.
Я оновив умову.
LazKopaT. we will see how it works before adding it elsewhere. In the contest assistant might be added in the upsolve mode, but definitely not during main time.
user171027 make sure your code works correctly if the input starts with a whitespace.
om_andriy ви можете читати дані зі стандартного потоку вводу (stdin) або файлу input.txt
. Так само ви можете виводити дані у стандартний потік виводу (stdout) або у файл output.txt
Huseyn012 you can check out assistant's response:
Şagirdin proqramında çıxışda əlavə sıfır yaranır. C++ dilində Əgər n ədədinin özündən kiçik olan yüzlərlə olduğu halda (məsələn, 0123 kimi) çıxışda artı 0 alınır. Bu vəziyyətdə xüsusilə önəmli bir nöqtə şərtdir: Proqramınız 0-ın çıxışını nəzarətdə saxlamalıdır. Burada b n-in 1000-dən bölünməsi ilə lazım olduğundan, b üçün şərt 0 olduğunda onun çapını qarşının alınması üçün əlavə tədbir görün. Çıxışı formatlarkən artırılan sıfırları aradan qaldırmağa çalışın.
pokrovinform Зверніть увагу на обмеження та переконайтеся, що ваша програма здатна працювати з числами, які мають до 10000 цифр.
user510894 you can find solution on the Editorial tab.
user171027 It looks like the solution you submitted is almost there, but there's a subtle issue in how you're determining the maximum value in the array.
You're initializing m to 0, and then comparing it to each element in the array to find the maximum value. However, what happens if all the numbers in the array are negative? Since m starts at 0, any negative number will never be considered the maximum.