Store the hotel costs in the array. We’ll call the interval good if the sum of hotel costs within it does not exceed .
Let’s implement a sliding window using two indices and , and maintain it so that the current interval is good. Let be the sum of hotel costs within the interval . If , then expand the current interval to . Otherwise, shrink it to . Find the maximum among the costs of all considered good intervals.
Consider the movement of pointers for the given example.
When moves forward until the sum of numbers in the interval does not exceed . Stop at the interval because the sum there is equal to , while the sum in the interval is equal to .
When , we cannot move forward because the sum in the interval is equal to .
When move forward to the interval .
The maximum value among all good intervals is equal to and is achieved in the interval .
Algorithm realization
Read the input data.
scanf("%d %lld", &n, &m);
Initialize the variables:
in , the maximum value among the costs of all processed good intervals is computed;
in , the sum of numbers in the current interval is maintained. All the numbers in the current interval are stored in the queue ;
s = res = 0;
Process the hotel costs sequentially.
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
Read and add the cost of the current hotel to the queue.
scanf("%d", &val); q.push(val);
Update the sum within the interval. All elements of the current interval are stored in the queue .
s += val;
If the sum of numbers in the current interval exceeds , we remove elements from the beginning of the interval.
while (s > m) { s -= q.front(); q.pop(); }
Compute the maximum value among the sums of elements in good intervals (where the cost of hotels does not exceed ).
if (s > res) res = s; }
Print the answer.
printf("%lld\n", res);
Python realization
Declare a queue.
from collections import deque q = deque()
Read the input data.
n, m = map(int, input().split()) costs = list(map(int, input().split()))
Initialize the variables:
in , the maximum value among the costs of all processed good intervals is computed;
in , the sum of numbers in the current interval is maintained. All the numbers in the current interval are stored in the queue ;
res = s = 0
Process the hotel costs sequentially.
for val in costs:
Add the cost of the current hotel to the queue.
Update the sum within the interval. All elements of the current interval are stored in the queue .
s += val
If the sum of numbers in the current interval exceeds , we remove elements from the beginning of the interval.
while s > m: s -= q.popleft()
Compute the maximum value among the sums of elements in good intervals (where the cost of hotels does not exceed ).
if s > res: res = s
Print the answer.