Eolymp Cup #3 (Complete)
We're excited to announce the results of the latest round of the Eolymp Cup! We hope you enjoyed the challenges and had a rewarding experience throughout.
A special congratulations to jeroenodb for securing the top spot once again! 🎉 Be sure to check out the complete standings, including the combined scores from all rounds so far, on the competition page. Don't forget, prizes will be awarded based on your best 3 performances out of 4 rounds. The next round is coming up in January, so stay updated by following us on social media: Facebook, X-Twitter, Telegram, and WhatsApp.
Congratulations to the winners of the Harbor.Space University scholarships: Ghulam_Junaid, hocln, tymond, Ktotokut, and OleksandrHerasymov! 👏 Well done! HSU representatives will be reaching out to you soon with more details.
As promised, we’re awarding exclusive "Evil Chmyaaaax" T-shirts to the winners and a few randomly selected participants from the Top 100. Congratulations to: jeroenodb, Vladprog, cadmiumky, Kostil, yutabi, Anonymous_Noob, thenymphsofdelphi, PurpleCrayon, MridulAhi, champ36, Ghulam_Junaid, NemanjaSo2005, ValeraGrinenko, intelligent_jackson_598, charming_mcnulty_524, bruhoman, Rafiullah, Tkm.algo, Iryna_Zuieva, illia_bashtovyi, hlovatskyi_vladyslav, user251656, Abdullah-Ishfaq, solvr! You should have received an email with instructions to claim your prize.
The problems are now available in the problem archive. We're still polishing up the editorials for problems and they will be available soon.
Special Thanks
A big thank you to everyone who helped make this round a success:
denisovkostya for organizing
waipoli, You_are_TL, denisovkostya and giperbolism for creating the problems
peltorator, TimDee, Triseedot Ignut, Bogdan_feysa, SashaT9, and Pa_sha for testing the problems.
Call for Problem Setters
We're on the lookout for problem setters to help with the upcoming rounds of the Eolymp Cup and Weekend Practice competitions. If you're interested, please email us at support@eolymp.com. Problem setters will be compensated and receive exclusive merch and other perks.
Eolymp Cup is a programming competition for students. The competition consists of 4 rounds, held throughout the year. Each round features 6 problems, each designed to challenge participants' knowledge of algorithms, data structures and programming.
The competition is open to everyone, but prizes will only be awarded to participants who are born after January 1, 2002. All other participants will compete unofficially.
Format and Duration
In each round, you are given 3 hours to solve 6 problems. Each problem is split into sub-tasks, which represent part of the problem. The points are awarded by sub-task, meaning you have to solve an entire sub-task to get points.
The winners of the competition, based on the results of all rounds, will receive a trophy, medals and valuable prizes.
1st prize: The absolute winner will receive the Eolymp Cup trophy, first-place medal and Apple MacBook Air 13"
2nd prize: The participant ranked second will receive the first-place medal and an Apple iPad Air 11" tablet computer.
3rd prize: The participants ranked 3-6 will receive second-place medals and an Apple Watch SE smartwatch.
4th prize: Participants ranked 7-12 will receive third-place medals and Keychron K8 Wireless keyboard.
Additionally, the top-12 participants and 25 randomly selected participants in top-250 will receive exclusive T-Shirts and stickers.
hi skolodyazhnyy.If you can organize a new competition, this competition should be for those who are just starting out, new, with 300-500 questions. They should also participate in the competition and become even more enthusiastic. Because the olymp cup is mainly for those who are experienced and have more questions, most of the time the first ones in the ranking win. Therefore, I recommend that you hold another competition for those who are low-level but interested. Of course, this is just my opinion)
meryem1289 we are almost ready with the problems for the next Weekend Practice round, hopefully we will be ready to announce it this weekend. WP rounds offer simpler problems, so hopefully everyone with lower rating will have an opportunity to improve it.
skolodyazhnyy I really hope too. If you announce it tomorrow,i would be glad. Cant wait for the wp 4.....
skolodyazhnyy I look forward to the next Weekend Experience) Thank you for respecting my opinion skolodyazhnyy)
meryem1289 Codeforces is good for organizing contests actively. There are more users and also you can send messages for others which makes it much better and makes you feel inside overcrowded place. Almost everyday some users make an announcement about a contest div4,div3,div2,div1,rated div2, educational round, hello 2025 , good bye 2024.
Mrs.Sergey we are very eager to organize competitions more often, but to do so we need more quality problems. Right now our team works with a few authors to prepare next Weekend Practise and final round of Eolymp Cup.
If you, or someone you know is interested in preparing a problem set or holding a competition at Eolymp you can reach out to hello@eolymp.com.
Mrs.Sergey It's true, codeforces has improved a lot in terms of the abundance and compatibility of competitions, I hope and really want such competitions to be in e olymp.
meryem1289 Yes I also agree with her last wp was held 4 month ago and there is no available contest for users except professionals to increase their rating. But being a starter or new beginner doesnt means that you will have problems between 0-500 because problems are really well and easy, brainstorming at math,number theory also not special techniques needed in brute force and implemmentation section mostly.So i can easily find users who have more than 1000 problems but eolymp cup is not for them and they are not one or two hundreds of users can be mentioned.
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