user685062 there is an article about it.
You have to write a solution which can find an answer for every valid input. If you know the input, it ruins the fun of solving the problem.
y___ same as in the other problem, you are getting runtime error when attempting to convert a string to a number:
ValueError: Exceeds the limit (4300 digits) for integer string conversion: value has 10000 digits; use sys.set_int_max_str_digits() to increase the limit
y___ Division by zero is just one example of a runtime error. In Python, there are many other potential runtime issues, such as type conversion errors or accessing an array element out of bounds. In your case, the error occurs when attempting to convert a string to a number:
ValueError: Exceeds the limit (4300 digits) for integer string conversion: value has 10000 digits; use sys.set_int_max_str_digits() to increase the limit
user171027 there is an animation in the statement which shows how Anfisa moves. It starts in the top left corner and then moves either right or down until it reaches bottom right corner.
Khayyam7 keep in mind that Vanja and Peter are also included in , meaning Peter can only advance ticket number by before taking a ticket himself.
In the example, the starting ticket number is 23 (one taken by Vanja), Peter can let up to 4 passengers to take tickets before him, reaching number 27, then he will take #28.
Khayyam7 normally if spider could jump it would have been in the statement. The spider cannot jump and must cross one of the walls to get to the floor. Furthermore, in the statement it says the spider is positioned on the wall or on the floor.
user884741 переконайтесь, що виводите , якщо парних цифр не існує.
Mr_Ell у задачі треба знайти підпослідовність з 3 чисел які йдуть підряд, як в прикладі: 3 6 5 6 7 2 і вивести позицію останнього числа підпослідовності.
Resul_2011 probably in mid-December, we are currently focusing on the next Eolymp Cup.
user901770, your solution was adding an extra newline, which caused a mismatch. I adjusted the checker configuration to ignore extra whitespace since it isn’t crucial for this problem.
user117860 тест из условия можно проверить вручную
user117860 in the second test the numbers in the input file were separated by two spaces and your solution couldn't handle it correctly. I have corrected the test.
user436126 тести правильні, спробуйте розв'язати задачу власноруч та оптимізуйте розв'язок для обмежень вказаних в задачі.
SANYAAAAAAAAAAAAA задачу можна розв'язати з поточним обмеженням.
Хоча у задачі було 2 не правильних тести, через які максимальний результат був обмежений 87%. Ці тести тепер виправлено і всі розв'язки перетестовано.
user793287 note that might be
user509735 you are getting "Time limit exceeded" error because your solution takes more than 1 second to calculate the answer.
user539334 in the range 1-20 you have almost prime numbers: . Number is almost prime number because it's divisible by only one prime number .
user632157 ви повинні зчитувати значення числа з потоку вводу ("з екрану"), а не просто виводити 5. Система підставляє різні значення і перевіряє відповіді згенеровані вашою програмою. У вашому випадку програма завжди виводить 5.
al95ireyiz you need to find a first meter which the rocket will travers in time less than . Given the rocket is constantly accelerating, it will take less and less time to traverse each meter of the rocket's path. In the example the distance of meter will be traversed in seconds, the distance of two meters will be traversed in seconds, meaning the second meter will be traversed in less than second.
I have corrected English statement because it was badly transated
xswoo степеневі числа можна записати як , де цілі і .
yashyk_dmitro Зверніть увагу на те що в умові не сказано що число не від'ємне
Abdul_267 if you get 81% it means you didn't do everything right. Keep in mind a rectangle may fit in the other one if you turn it to a certain angle.