Yesss. I was waiting for this. Happy New Year to you.
meryem1289 Codeforces is good for organizing contests actively. There are more users and also you can send messages for others which makes it much better and makes you feel inside overcrowded place. Almost everyday some users make an announcement about a contest div4,div3,div2,div1,rated div2, educational round, hello 2025 , good bye 2024.
meryem1289 Yes I also agree with her last wp was held 4 month ago and there is no available contest for users except professionals to increase their rating. But being a starter or new beginner doesnt means that you will have problems between 0-500 because problems are really well and easy, brainstorming at math,number theory also not special techniques needed in brute force and implemmentation section mostly.So i can easily find users who have more than 1000 problems but eolymp cup is not for them and they are not one or two hundreds of users can be mentioned.