user432081 thanks a lot for your comment, the checker indeed was incorrect. We've now fixed the issue and retested all the submissions :)
papaz239 Hi, thanks for flagging this issue! You are right, the test #14 was indeed broken. We've updated the test and rejudged your submissions, now they are all accepted :)
Aplogies for inconvenience
elliotalders0n I think on the step two it should be 1433 + 3341 and not 3314. And 1433 + 3341 would give you 4774, which is a palindrome :)
The algorithm for computing the greatest common divisor (GCD) was discovered by ancient Greek mathematicians and is known as the "algorithm of mutual subtraction". Although references to this algorithm can be found in Aristotle's works, it was later named after Euclid. What the greatest common divisor is, its properties, and methods of calculation are discussed in [1].
When we start learning the basics of programming, as a rule, the first program we write prints the string "Hello, world!". Then we get acquainted with variables, operators, functions. And usually, the first ones a beginner gets to know are the conditional operator and the loop operator. Immediately, there is a desire to write some simple function: the factorial of a number, raising to a power, or calculating the binomial coefficient. In most cases, a beginner programmer implements the iterative version of functions. However, few know that any iterative function can also be implemented recursively.
Proqramlaşdırmanın əsaslarını öyrənməyə başlayanda, adətən, ilk yazdığımız proqram "Hello, world!" sətirini çap edir. Sonra dəyişənlər, operatorlar, funksiyalarla tanış oluruq. Və adətən, bir başlanğıcçı ilk tanış olduğu operatorlar şərt operatoru və dövr operatorudur. Dərhal, bəzi sadə funksiya yazmaq istəyi yaranır: bir ədədin faktorialı, qüvvətə yüksəltmək, və ya binomial əmsalın hesablanması. Çox hallarda, bir başlanğıc proqramçı funksiyaların iterativ versiyasını həyata keçirir. Lakin, az adam bilir ki, hər hansı iterativ funksiya həmçinin rekursiv olaraq da həyata keçirilə bilər.